HellzFire Clan

January 18th, 2007

Hi all,

As i said on the Home page, i want to paint a miniature for the HellzFire Clan (Link).

For those of you who asked why…

Let me see…. do i have an answer????

Oh yeah!!! Here goes,

4 to 5 years ago i started playing Medal of Honor, Allied Assault online. For those of you who dont know what that is click here.

After about 1 year i would say i discovered the Medic Server and never left….. loll (yes my spirit’s still there) lol, actually moved to Chaos Server now <== latest update..hihi

All kidding aside, being such a charismatic player and great shot, and let’s not forget my winning smile, i quickly made a name for myself (especially as the one not able to dodge bullets, Snatch) and everyone feared my arrival (not really i think).
And you believed all that?? Nahhh… i was still kidding…hehe

Anyways, moving on…. on the same server for 4 years you meet and talk to a lot of people, the cool and smart ones you still talk to… hehe Lots are in Hellzfire and others not, but i make no distinction as I aim and shoot..;) mwaahahahahahaha

Wrapping it up.

I think i forgot what i was trying to say….. Oh well….

Ahh yeah, was answering imaginary question.!!!

Bottom line: i want to, because i enjoy painting and i think it’ll make somebody’s day. 😀

I’ll try to finish this project this year…lollll

Till later,




February 10th, 2007


I finally made a choice in what miniature i would use for the Hellz……

I finally decided on the Widowmakers and Long Gunners from PrivateerPress.

Yup i know, slightly more than 1…. oh well!! should be fun painting all that. With that in mind I already started in on them, hopefully finish  soon.

For those who care, I will try to go for subdued colors (greens and grays) as they are scouts and such…

ok, enough stalling, here are the WIP pics i took so far.

Hope you like it, leave comments if you want to!

Till later,


12 Comments on “HellzFire Clan”

  1. Hey Ava, Great blog site! Your miniatures are awsome man! I paint some miniature stuff but it usually stops at Christmas ornaments. lol I’ll post this on our website and I’ll keep checking back here for updates! Great hobby, I find painting so relaxing. Take care and see ya online!!


  2. Hey Ava, Great work on the miniatures, you have a true tallent! I can’t wait to see the finished product! Keep up the good work. I’ll see ya online, have a great day!


  3. HellzFire{REC}.:Alize:. Says:

    That sounds fantastic….the ones that you took the pictures of are wonderful. I will keep checking back and lookin in on your progress. I feel soooo specisl:)lol See ya in the game ava:)

  4. HellzFire(MP/GFX)G_TurTle Says:

    Hey AVA!

    You do a great job painting those tiny things. Do you do only certain types of characters? Ever painted a minature turtle? (No, not a live one…j/k). I have a hard time staying in the lines when I color, so that is why I only do computer graphics.. its easier to erase my mistakes… lol …

    Don’t forget to post a couple of SS on the HellzFire forum to display your work when you are finished. I look forward to seeing your work.

    See you in the game.


  5. hey ava, i looked at it… that is cool man…. good job… big smile


  6. GREAT JOB AVA! You love us, you really really love us!

  7. Tapout Says:

    Excelent work buddy! You’ve perked my interest in the hobby.

  8. GulfportGal Says:

    Man, you must have really good eyesight Ava…what a great job dude….my miniature painting stops at the size of the walls in my house, when I can find em, that is. “Look” forward to “seeing” more of your work….Pat (gulfie)

  9. Tapdancer Says:

    Hey Ava!! Woot, great job on this, wish I was good at hobby stuff 😀
    gratz!! and will keep stopping back to see how this goes!
    Come play sometime though.. i need a good pwnage 😛 heheh

  10. HellzFire_JBjeter Says:

    Heyy Ava!!! great job! ill keep checkin back to see updates! i love the miniatures!


  11. DESERT RAT Says:

    Hey Ava, those are awesome! You must have the patience of a Saint to do that! Did you just start doing this, or is it something you’ve done for awhile? Can.t wait to see them when you are all done!

  12. Drkennith Says:

    Definitely miss HellzFire clan. What happend to you guys?

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