Posted November 9, 2016 by avaminiatures
Categories: Hobby, Painting, WIP

To make this short, I have some great colleagues and some of the upcoming stuff will actually be for some of them. I’ve collected quite a few miniatures because of various reasons but mostly because something about them caught my eye. In this particular instance it’s a miniatures from Hasslefree Miniatures (Y’all should check em out)and i think i found the best person for it. I hope they like it…

20161108_222526.jpg    20161108_222536.jpg


Still a long way to go …



Emptying out some boxes

Posted October 29, 2016 by avaminiatures
Categories: Hobby, Painting, WIP

Decided to go hang out in my newly floored basement (done by yours truly) and I started lining up some of my projects on the table. There’s lots… lol  . As the paint i ordered in not yet in, what do i do?  You got it… start something new?  Decided to put together the 3 riders from Rackham. Had these guys in a half opened box. Not as easy as it looks and filing off the mold lines… eww what a pain. Hopefully I got em all.


Gotta say, putting things together is quite relaxing. Or at least it can be if the pieces cooperate. Happy to report, it was relaxing for me… And with that I’m off…


Back again.. this one only took 9 years to complete…

Posted September 8, 2016 by avaminiatures
Categories: Completed, Hobby, Painting

Ok, so its been a while. Lots has changed. Some good , some great.

This is a little piece for my love as she absolutely adores Halloween. Yup, she does absolutely.

Just a little something to get back in the groove. Lots to remember and re-learn.

Final Pic is not the greatest, but hey i cant find all my stuff… its been 9 years. lmao.

Hope you like ( if anyone other than me sees this, lol)




Back into the fray…

Posted June 20, 2007 by avaminiatures
Categories: Hobby, Painting

Well i’m back….

Yeah! Dont ask why i’m up this early. 🙂

Only took about 3 months for me to post something new, i think i had a better track before :O i think it was 1 month apart. This time it took 3 months, must be a sign i’m getting to be a better artist……lolllll kidding.

i know i’ve been away a long time…. i blame it on a great game (depends who you ask) Last Chaos. So i’m sorry to all for keeping you waiting.

When i saw this piece in the store, i immediately thought of a buddy of mine at work. So guess what i did? To all those that guessed i bought it for him and started painting it, you’re right and you win……all the peanuts in the world…mouhahahaha

Oh wait! i think i lost those in a bet… hmmm i’ll think of something. Anyway, so yeah, when i started painting him i was making record time (2 days) i wanted it to be a surprise for the next working day. Well then some online friends of mine said: “Download this free MMORPG game and try it out” so of course since i heard free and game i was like : “Sure”. And then the world stopped… loll

Well not really, just my painting world.

So with this piece i tried for a “bloody, grimy” look. a little different from what i usually try. Also i think I’ve given up for now on the non metal metallics armor and weapons, I’ll work on using metallics and when I’m satisfied with the results I’ll try the other technique as well. (gonna take time).

Well thats it for now, let’s hope the next one is not in 6 months ..hehe

Blood bath

Cheers and remember your always welcome to leave a comment, (i may even read it 🙂 )


A gift for a friend…

Posted March 22, 2007 by avaminiatures
Categories: Hobby, Painting


Youpiiiiiiiiiiiiii  one project completed…. :):):) *pops champagne bottle*…… *put bottle down when he realizes he completed 1 of his 15 started projects*

Hmmm i guess i’ll save the bottle to celebrate later… oh well no matter…. moving on!! hehe Besides i dont like champagne, it’s way overrated IMO, now gimme a beer and were in business hihi….. getting sidetracked i know 🙂

Back to why i’m writing this… I promise… *keeps fingers crossed* :p

This is something i started for an e-friend of mine from….. of course you guessed it!!!!  The Gaming Community. Man i tell there’s a great bunch of people out there, I’m happy i got to meet and talk to some of them :))

So for her, i found myself trying to be more creative than just a regular mini with rocky base (as seen on my other pages..hehe…which i still like by the way). This is what i came up with:  scantily clad woman roaming the ruins of an Egyptian pyramid/temple (whatever you like as long as on the walls there’s Egyptian hieroglyphs)… on the crumbled wall of the base i painted the Eye of Ra symbol of protection and power and other little ones that i don’t know what they mean….. only so far I’ll go into research..hehe As for the colors i tried to go for a somewhat Egyptian theme. Now if i succeeded really will depend on you (yes I’m looking at you). As for myself i enjoyed painting her and i hope the soon to be new owner will enjoy 🙂 oh yeah! for those who care… the miniature is a Fionna from Rackham miniatures.

Ok i think it’s late enough….

here we go.. and remember that comments are always appreciated… :)))



Scorpion Queen patroling her domain.

Don’t know why, had to paint them….

Posted February 14, 2007 by avaminiatures
Categories: Hobby, Painting

Hello all,

This is a stretch even for me…. loll

I am honest about my dislike of the St-Valentine’s day celebration. Funny how we seem to have a holiday that involves spending money in the middle of the proverbial retail dead season?!?!?!?. I myself dont believe that you need a specific day to treat the one you _____ (<== insert word of preference, I’ll use like) special, that should come natural and should definetly happen more than once a year. Also funny enough, i remember reading that St-Valentine’s day is also the day when most break-ups occur. So definetly no Happy St-Valentine’s Day from me.. 😛 lolll

So no confusion occurs, I dislike the materialism of it all and not the people celebrating it. To them i say…. Go on with your bad selves 🙂 enjoy yourselves…. 😉

Well enough about that…I picked these guys up on the weekend at my favorite hobby store: Librairie Donjon (map) they have lots of good stuff. Some really nice people working there, very helpfull…. These are Reaper Miniatures from a while back i would say. These guys are tiny so they were a real pain in the b*** to paint, i think it also had to do with the fact that i was lazy and didn’t think it through. Also for the hobbyists that may see this someday, i sinned… i didn’t file off the mold lines, wanted to start paintin’em :\….

In the pics below, i tried to show how tiny these guys really are.

Anyways, overall i would say they came out ok… good practice, now the bigger models will feel like murals, lmao…

Comments are always welcome,




Painted for my enjoyment

Posted January 24, 2007 by avaminiatures
Categories: Painting

Yup, I’m still writing…

I bought this guy and his buddy, because i wanted to paint him :). He has a great dynamic pose and i like the job i did on him. He’s part of the Privateer Press miniature for Hordes, also makers of Warmachine and Iron Kingdoms. Worth taking a look if you like table top gaming.

Blighted Swordsmen

Hello world!

Posted January 16, 2007 by avaminiatures
Categories: Painting, WIP

Rest in peace

January 16th, 2007

A little about myself….Hmmm what can be said (that could sound positive)…. still thinking…Oh yeah! After a 15 year hiatus, i’m back to painting miniatures. This all started again because i want to make custom made chess set for my best buds (you know who you are out there).I have about 7 started and only 1 completed …lmao… It’s been about 2 years i would say.
Well let’s see where this goes in the future…:)

January 17th, 2007

Alright i see all my buds only saw the first page and completly missed the others :O (look at the top right: one’s called Blanka … and look forward to more as i post new projects..hehe

Ok, this is turning into a lot of work, can i get an assistant yet?? What? A salary?? Really?? Hmmm, i guess it’ll have to wait.

Ok this is something completed last year, i really like him although i see where improvements can be done.

Green Elf

Ok and a last post for today (i think… unless i cant sleep)

This was done for a friend that enjoys playing MOH as much as i do. Maybe even more…hehe

As she’s part of the HellzFire clan (cool bunch of gals and guys that let me shoot’em up a bit online), i’m looking right now at what figurine/s i want to paint for the clan… I’ll decide soon i promise.. hehe

When done, i’ll send it to who the clan decides… 😀

Rackham Fiona