Archive for June 2007

Back into the fray…

June 20, 2007

Well i’m back….

Yeah! Dont ask why i’m up this early. 🙂

Only took about 3 months for me to post something new, i think i had a better track before :O i think it was 1 month apart. This time it took 3 months, must be a sign i’m getting to be a better artist……lolllll kidding.

i know i’ve been away a long time…. i blame it on a great game (depends who you ask) Last Chaos. So i’m sorry to all for keeping you waiting.

When i saw this piece in the store, i immediately thought of a buddy of mine at work. So guess what i did? To all those that guessed i bought it for him and started painting it, you’re right and you win……all the peanuts in the world…mouhahahaha

Oh wait! i think i lost those in a bet… hmmm i’ll think of something. Anyway, so yeah, when i started painting him i was making record time (2 days) i wanted it to be a surprise for the next working day. Well then some online friends of mine said: “Download this free MMORPG game and try it out” so of course since i heard free and game i was like : “Sure”. And then the world stopped… loll

Well not really, just my painting world.

So with this piece i tried for a “bloody, grimy” look. a little different from what i usually try. Also i think I’ve given up for now on the non metal metallics armor and weapons, I’ll work on using metallics and when I’m satisfied with the results I’ll try the other technique as well. (gonna take time).

Well thats it for now, let’s hope the next one is not in 6 months ..hehe

Blood bath

Cheers and remember your always welcome to leave a comment, (i may even read it 🙂 )
