Archive for March 2007

A gift for a friend…

March 22, 2007


Youpiiiiiiiiiiiiii  one project completed…. :):):) *pops champagne bottle*…… *put bottle down when he realizes he completed 1 of his 15 started projects*

Hmmm i guess i’ll save the bottle to celebrate later… oh well no matter…. moving on!! hehe Besides i dont like champagne, it’s way overrated IMO, now gimme a beer and were in business hihi….. getting sidetracked i know 🙂

Back to why i’m writing this… I promise… *keeps fingers crossed* :p

This is something i started for an e-friend of mine from….. of course you guessed it!!!!  The Gaming Community. Man i tell there’s a great bunch of people out there, I’m happy i got to meet and talk to some of them :))

So for her, i found myself trying to be more creative than just a regular mini with rocky base (as seen on my other pages..hehe…which i still like by the way). This is what i came up with:  scantily clad woman roaming the ruins of an Egyptian pyramid/temple (whatever you like as long as on the walls there’s Egyptian hieroglyphs)… on the crumbled wall of the base i painted the Eye of Ra symbol of protection and power and other little ones that i don’t know what they mean….. only so far I’ll go into research..hehe As for the colors i tried to go for a somewhat Egyptian theme. Now if i succeeded really will depend on you (yes I’m looking at you). As for myself i enjoyed painting her and i hope the soon to be new owner will enjoy 🙂 oh yeah! for those who care… the miniature is a Fionna from Rackham miniatures.

Ok i think it’s late enough….

here we go.. and remember that comments are always appreciated… :)))



Scorpion Queen patroling her domain.