Archive for February 2007

Don’t know why, had to paint them….

February 14, 2007

Hello all,

This is a stretch even for me…. loll

I am honest about my dislike of the St-Valentine’s day celebration. Funny how we seem to have a holiday that involves spending money in the middle of the proverbial retail dead season?!?!?!?. I myself dont believe that you need a specific day to treat the one you _____ (<== insert word of preference, I’ll use like) special, that should come natural and should definetly happen more than once a year. Also funny enough, i remember reading that St-Valentine’s day is also the day when most break-ups occur. So definetly no Happy St-Valentine’s Day from me.. 😛 lolll

So no confusion occurs, I dislike the materialism of it all and not the people celebrating it. To them i say…. Go on with your bad selves 🙂 enjoy yourselves…. 😉

Well enough about that…I picked these guys up on the weekend at my favorite hobby store: Librairie Donjon (map) they have lots of good stuff. Some really nice people working there, very helpfull…. These are Reaper Miniatures from a while back i would say. These guys are tiny so they were a real pain in the b*** to paint, i think it also had to do with the fact that i was lazy and didn’t think it through. Also for the hobbyists that may see this someday, i sinned… i didn’t file off the mold lines, wanted to start paintin’em :\….

In the pics below, i tried to show how tiny these guys really are.

Anyways, overall i would say they came out ok… good practice, now the bigger models will feel like murals, lmao…

Comments are always welcome,


