Hello world!

Rest in peace

January 16th, 2007

A little about myself….Hmmm what can be said (that could sound positive)…. still thinking…Oh yeah! After a 15 year hiatus, i’m back to painting miniatures. This all started again because i want to make custom made chess set for my best buds (you know who you are out there).I have about 7 started and only 1 completed …lmao… It’s been about 2 years i would say.
Well let’s see where this goes in the future…:)

January 17th, 2007

Alright i see all my buds only saw the first page and completly missed the others :O (look at the top right: one’s called Blanka … and look forward to more as i post new projects..hehe

Ok, this is turning into a lot of work, can i get an assistant yet?? What? A salary?? Really?? Hmmm, i guess it’ll have to wait.

Ok this is something completed last year, i really like him although i see where improvements can be done.

Green Elf

Ok and a last post for today (i think… unless i cant sleep)

This was done for a friend that enjoys playing MOH as much as i do. Maybe even more…hehe

As she’s part of the HellzFire clan (cool bunch of gals and guys that let me shoot’em up a bit online), i’m looking right now at what figurine/s i want to paint for the clan… I’ll decide soon i promise.. hehe

When done, i’ll send it to who the clan decides… ๐Ÿ˜€

Rackham Fiona

Explore posts in the same categories: Painting, WIP

10 Comments on “Hello world!”

  1. dion Says:

    ya, still waiting for my star wars fighters !!! lmao, good job bud, we might be playing a little game of chess with these pieces soon… probably in the next 10 years i would say…LOL!!!

  2. natalie Says:

    I never thought you would be the blogging type! I can only guess who made this suggestion, and you know what…i think it is great. Maybe if we all put our pieces together we would have enough of them to actually play a game…who knows! As much as i make fun of you about the slow pace, i think it’s awesome that you are doing this for your friends…tata

  3. Jennifer-Jane Says:

    Well my little Grinch!!! It’s great that you are doing this for your best friend… Just keep on going. And I’m sure that there are many other things that are positive in your life, just need to open your eyes. That’s all for now. Hope to see you when I go to Mtl. Ciao.

  4. Cairbre Says:

    Sup Wolfie! Nice little blog. Can’t wait to see more pics of what you’re working on and the progress made. And when you need a break, we can hopefully finish an EE game… hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ And don’t listen to Nat, sometimes you need to take your time to make an art piece just right… ๐Ÿ˜› Adios

  5. Alexa Warren Says:

    Hey Ava! It’s really awesome that you are doing this! You have an amazing talent, and I hope you persevere with your hobby. The one you made for me means a lot and shows you have a keen eye for detail. You should post a pic of it. Well, if you want 2 just 2 show a variety. Thanks for being a great friend! ๐Ÿ™‚ TTYL!

  6. Ron Mahedy Says:

    Verrry nice blog in so little time. Although it’s small people always notice the one I have. They tell me its an awesome piece and fits me perfectly. Keep up the artistry and I hope to see more of this blog.

  7. John Says:

    Hey Ava, These are really cool! Good luck with the chess set. ( Chess is HUGE at my house! ) I’ll be checking back to see your work every now and then….
    John ( HellzFire_JoyfulBandito )

  8. Debi aka. SCORPIONQUEEN Says:

    omg, ava, those are gorgeous!! and saga’s is awesome, i want one !! lol. i am very impressed with that. and i dont know why that is, either. keep up the great work, and i will come back in and see more of your things. see you in hellz soon..

  9. Anto Says:

    finally. I’ve positioned myself here in front of my two favorite screens: television and cpu. and i’ve decided that the world is now ready to read my post. Awesome job, man. I love the miniatures, I love the pics of the miniatures, and I love my udjat that you incorporated in one of the pieces. Also, big up props mad bonks to you for your evolution… you’ve become a blogger and have your own website. I think that impressed me just as much as the miniatures!
    Peace my brother, peace my man.

  10. Ron Says:

    Hey, enough with the game. I’d like to see some more miniatures. Here’s an idea, could you create a board with mountains, rivers…a world for your avatars to live in?

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