Archive for January 2007

Painted for my enjoyment

January 24, 2007

Yup, I’m still writing…

I bought this guy and his buddy, because i wanted to paint him :). He has a great dynamic pose and i like the job i did on him. He’s part of the Privateer Press miniature for Hordes, also makers of Warmachine and Iron Kingdoms. Worth taking a look if you like table top gaming.

Blighted Swordsmen

Hello world!

January 16, 2007

Rest in peace

January 16th, 2007

A little about myself….Hmmm what can be said (that could sound positive)…. still thinking…Oh yeah! After a 15 year hiatus, i’m back to painting miniatures. This all started again because i want to make custom made chess set for my best buds (you know who you are out there).I have about 7 started and only 1 completed …lmao… It’s been about 2 years i would say.
Well let’s see where this goes in the future…:)

January 17th, 2007

Alright i see all my buds only saw the first page and completly missed the others :O (look at the top right: one’s called Blanka … and look forward to more as i post new projects..hehe

Ok, this is turning into a lot of work, can i get an assistant yet?? What? A salary?? Really?? Hmmm, i guess it’ll have to wait.

Ok this is something completed last year, i really like him although i see where improvements can be done.

Green Elf

Ok and a last post for today (i think… unless i cant sleep)

This was done for a friend that enjoys playing MOH as much as i do. Maybe even more…hehe

As she’s part of the HellzFire clan (cool bunch of gals and guys that let me shoot’em up a bit online), i’m looking right now at what figurine/s i want to paint for the clan… I’ll decide soon i promise.. hehe

When done, i’ll send it to who the clan decides… 😀

Rackham Fiona